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BHOPAL : Mr.Govind Wairale delivered the presentation on the cotton harvesting in india organized by the ICAR-CIAE -Bhopal on brain Storming Session Cum-In-traction Meet On Mechanization Of Cotton Harvesting.

Dr. T. Janakiram, Assistant Director General (Horticulture Science), ICAR emphasised that the integration of millets and horticulture crops would lead to the development of nutritious value-added products that are aimed at attaining the nutritional security to the country.

Mr.Govind Wairale Says – In India cotton picking is major expensive, expenses involved about Rs. 20000 twenty thousands crores in India.(about Rs. 10 per kg).To get solutions For development of mechanise the cotton harvester ,Ministry of agriculture Central Institute of Of Agriculture Engineering Bhopal had invited me for brain storming meeting with ICAR directors, Agriculture engineers, scientists, stakeholders at Bhopal for mechanisation of cotton harvesting.Cotton harvesters are being under research & development from 20 years but suitable cotton harvester could not be developed successfuly made due to various reasons in india which need suitable various of cotton for hi-density plantation says Mr.Govind Wairale.

Again some decades can required to for indian suit abilities.. Mr. Wairale given suggested in this national agriculture forum, need continues R/D With the current development of Cotton harvester ICAR to to start R &D to update small hand operated battery back cotton pickers.which can easy for hand operations.Low cost, labour saving.Mr.Govind Wairale also express his thanks for ICAR National forum to consider the suggestion given by him.

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